Africa Travel Week Media Awards
Africa Travel Week Media Awards

The Africa Travel Week Media Awards are a unique celebration of the indispensable role that media plays in the growth of Africa’s tourism industry. They honour those who tell Africa’s unique travel stories through exceptional journalism, compelling narratives, and breathtaking imagery. The awards are open to all media practitioners, including journalists, bloggers, videographers, and photographers who produce content related to African tourism.

There are four award categories: Sustainability Feature Award, Visual Tourism Award, Destination Feature Award, and Tourism News Award. 

Sustainability Feature Award

Championing a greener future in travel, our Sustainability Feature Award recognises compelling narratives that spotlight sustainability practices in the African travel industry. 

  • Feature must be focused on a sustainability issue or initiative in African travel.
  • Provides in-depth analysis or investigative reporting.
  • Highlights innovative solutions, impactful sustainability practices, or inspiring individuals/organisations.
  • Inspires and educates audiences about sustainability in travel.


  • The submission must be a feature-length article, video, podcast, or blog post published or broadcast within the qualifying year.
  • The content must focus on a sustainability issue or initiative within the African travel sector.
  • The feature must provide in-depth analysis or investigative reporting on the chosen topic.
  • It should highlight innovative solutions, inspiring individuals or organisations, or impactful sustainability practices.
  • The feature should inspire and educate audiences about sustainability in travel and its importance in Africa.
  • Judging will be based on the quality of storytelling, research, creative presentation, and impact on the audience.

Visual Tourism Award

The Visual Tourism Award celebrates the power of visual storytelling in African tourism. This award recognises extraordinary photographers and digital artists whose work captures the diverse beauty, culture, and spirit of Africa’s destinations, helping us see the continent through a unique lens.

  • Photo or artwork must depict an aspect related to African tourism.
  • Captions should be unique and descriptive.
  • Judged based on the photo or artwork’s quality, composition, originality, and emotional resonance.


  • The photo or artwork submission must have been taken within the qualifying year.
  • The photo or artwork must depict a place, event, person, or aspect related to African tourism.
  • Entrants can submit multiple photos and artworks, but each one must be accompanied by a unique, descriptive caption.
  • Judging will be based on the photo or artwork’s quality, composition, originality, and its ability to capture the essence of the subject matter.
  • The photo or artwork should evoke an emotional response and inspire travel or a greater understanding of African tourism.
  • For photo submissions, all photos shall comply with the following requirements:
    • Photos in JPEG format with high-quality of compression (but not more than 5 MB).
    • Photos are to be uploaded in their original size. The Participant must not scale the photo or otherwise change its resolution.
    • ICC profile is to be embedded in the photo.
    • Only images with a single exposure and in One (1) frame may be accepted.
    • Only original camera images are allowed to participate in the Awards.
    • Minimum adjustments of exposure and colour and cropping are allowed.

Destination Feature Award

The Destination Feature Award recognises outstanding storytelling that brings African destinations to life. This award honours the creatives who capture the unique essence of a place, diving deep into its culture, heritage, and attractions, and compelling us to embark on our own African journey.

  • The feature must focus on a specific African destination.
  • Provides a comprehensive understanding of the destination.
  • Captures the unique culture, history, natural beauty, or attractions of the destination.


  • The submission must be a feature-length article, video, podcast, or blog post published or broadcast within the qualifying year.
  • The content must focus on a specific African destination.
  • The feature should provide in-depth coverage, offering readers or viewers a comprehensive understanding of the destination.
  • The entry should capture the unique culture, history, natural beauty, and/or attractions of the destination.
  • Judging will be based on the depth of research, quality of storytelling, creative presentation, and its ability to inspire travel to the featured destination.

Tourism News Award

The Tourism News Award honours outstanding journalism in African tourism. This accolade is given to journalists who skilfully report on important developments, bringing clarity and context to events that shape the industry, and influencing the way we perceive and understand African tourism.

  • Content must focus on a significant development, event, or issue in African tourism.
  • Demonstrates solid journalism ethics, including accuracy, fairness, and impartiality.
  • Provides valuable insights and analysis on the reported event.


  • The submission must be a news article, video, podcast, or blog post published or broadcast within the qualifying year.
  • The content must focus on a significant development, event, or issue in the African tourism industry.
  • It must demonstrate solid journalism ethics, including accuracy, fairness, and impartiality.
  • The news piece should provide valuable insights and analysis, helping readers or viewers understand the implications of the reported event.
  • Judging will be based on the timeliness, relevance, depth of reporting, and impact on the tourism industry.

You can find more information and submit your entries here. 

Winners of the ATW Media Awards 2024


Alexander Okere

WINNER: Alexander Okere

Alexander Okere is a notable figure in the context of African media, particularly recognized for his contributions to journalism and storytelling related to African issues. Alexander Okere writes about how illegal trading and hunting of animals, showcasing his commitment to raising awareness about critical issues affecting the continent.


WINNER: Kelly Hammond

Kelly Hammond is a notable figure in the realm of travel journalism, particularly recognized for her outstanding contributions to visual tourism. This award acknowledges her exceptional work in capturing and showcasing the beauty and uniqueness of African tourism destinations through visual content.


Phoebe Smith

WINNER: Phoebe Smith

Phoebe Smith is a distinguished travel journalist, er award-winning piece, titled A Day in the Life of Onguma’s Anti-poaching Unit,” delves into the efforts of Namibia’s anti-poaching unit to protect the critically endangered black rhino.


Phoebe Smith

WINNER: Adele MacKenzie

Adele MacKenzie is a journalist whose award-winning work highlighted the challenges faced by inbound tourists visiting South Africa, such as massive visa delays and poor service.

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